The latest NHS statistics for Wales revealed an increase in the NHS treatment waiting list to 802,268 pathways, the highest figure on record, for the tenth month in a row.
There has also been another increase in waits of two years or more and yet another worsening of the figures for emergency department waits.
Commenting on the latest statistics, James Evans MS, Welsh Conservative Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care said:
“These waiting time figures are truly abysmal, the worst on record and they’re worsening still, month on month.
“People are dying unnecessarily the length and breadth of Wales, families are losing loved ones prematurely and NHS staff morale is plummeting. Something has to change, because under Labour, the Welsh NHS is broken.
“The Welsh Conservatives will fix the Welsh NHS by ending the distractions and turning the focus of the Welsh Government to tackling these excessive waits, allocating the funding required but ensuring that it is spent efficiently on the frontline as opposed to bloated management structures.”