Commenting on the First Minister Mark Drakeford’s announcement that there will be no target set for testing anymore, the Shadow Minister for Health, Angela Burns AM, said:
“This is a concerning statement for the First Minister to make and I have to ask if this is more a case of dropping the target because Welsh Government is finding it unachievable.
“We were promised 9,000 tests a day by the end of April and over the past few weeks this number has steadily been reduced as a target until there is none. We are still floundering around the low thousands, there is unused capacity as people find accessing testing cumbersome and timescales difficult to meet, Health Boards tell me there is a lack of clarity and there are still no firm plans for consistency of provision throughout Wales.
“Now is the time for a dedicated team to manage the testing process from start to finish rather than the piecemeal disorganisation we are witnessing now.”