Commenting on the latest labour market statistics for Wales and a Written Question wherein Labour’s Economy Minister, Jeremy Miles calls them “not wholly representative”, Welsh Conservative Shadow Economy Minister, Samuel Kurtz MS said:
“Whichever way you dress these figures, it’s a damning indictment of Labour’s economic policies here in Wales. The contradiction between Wales’ statistics and the UK’s average coupled with the woeful response from the Minister to these economy statistics, shows clearly that the economy is far from a priority for Labour.
“While the UK average for economic inactivity is falling, the disparity between Wales and the rest of the UK is still rising following a significant rise for Wales last month, yet Labour’s Economy Minister has chosen to cast doubt over these hard figures rather than acknowledge the situation.
“The only jobs Labour and Plaid are looking to create are more politicians. The Welsh Conservatives want to see ambitious jobs targets for the people of Wales, with a focus on education and skills.”